Loubie Rusch guides groups of up to 20 in discovering the local indigenous and wild foods that grow on the property of the Sustainability Institute in Lynedoch.
A plant display and list of indigenous and wild and weedy edibles helps participants with recognising what to look for while exploring the environment.

About our collaboration with the Sustainability Institute
The SI has been collaborating with Loubie Rusch since 2016 when they supported the planting of the Cape Wild Food Garden in Kahyelitsha.
They have since collaborated on planting an indigenous food garden within their permaculture food garden. They have also added a diversity of wild foods to their Living Soils Farm which is one of the suppliers to the Local WILD Food Store.
Loubie's survey of the property further identified a substantial range of indigenous edibles that have been planted as ornamentals in their horticultural plantings.
This range of edible food plants, along with the many wild edible weeds that grow sponateously on the property makes it an ideal environment for conducting Wild Food Walks.